Contoh Soal IELTS Speaking Part 3 (Contoh Soal IELTS Speaking Part 3) – Hallo TNers, kamu ingin mendapatkan hasil maksimal dalam tes IELTS Speaking? Sebelum itu kamu harus tahu apa saja contoh soal di tes IELTS Speaking Part 3 sebagai bahan latihan. Jika di 2 artikel sebelumnya kita sudah membahas tentang contoh soal IELTS speaking part 1 dan part 2, maka kali ini Titik Nol akan membahas tuntas Contoh Soal IELTS Speaking Part  3. Yuk simak ulasannya sampai habis!

Sekilas tentang IELTS Speaking

Tes IELTS Speaking merupakan tahapan terakhir dari rangkaian tes IELTS yang perlu kamu lalui. Contoh-contoh pertanyaan pada IELTS speaking part 3 ini berkaitan dengan “The Discussion”. Dalam sesi ini, examiner akan memberikan pertanyaan tentang topik yang abstrak atau global. Kamu harus mampu menjawab pertanyaan tersebut dengan jelas, detail dan pastinya juga harus menggunakan grammar yang tepat.

Sebelum membahas contoh soal atau pertanyaan pada sesi IELTS speaking part  3, perhatikan dulu beberapa hal penting di bawah ini:

Baca juga: Apa Itu IELTS

Hal yang Perlu Diperhatikan dalam IELTS Speaking Part 3

Sesi speaking part 3 dalam tes IELTS ini dilakukan dengan diskusi dua arah oleh examiner dan peserta. Meskipun demikian, peserta diharapkan berbicara lebih banyak. Biasanya materi atau topik diskusi pada sesi ketiga ini masih berhubungan dengan IELTS speaking part 2.

IELTS Speaking part 3 ini dilakukan dengan tujuan sebagai berikut :

  • Membuat peserta tes untuk bisa berpikir dan berkomentas mengenai berbagai macam isu yang biasanya fokus pada trend saat ini.
  • Mendorong peserta tes untuk aktif memberikan opini
  • Memperluas tanggapan peserta tes dalam beberapa hal, meliputi : deskripsi secara detail, membandingkan situasi pada masa lalu dan mengimajinasikan situasi ke dalam masa depan.

Untuk bisa menampilkan performa terbaik kamu pada IELTS speaking part 3 ini, membutuhkan keahlian merespon pertanyaan dan menggambarkan ide yang abstrak. Selain itu, kamu juga dituntut untuk menggunakan grammar yang tepat dalam mendiskripsikan ide atau gagasan mengenai topik yang sedang dibahas.

What to Do & What Not to Do

Dalam melakukan IELTS Speaking part 3 ini ada beberapa hal yang perlu dilakukan dan beberapa hal lain tidak boleh dilakukan. Berikut penjelasan lengkapnya:

What to Do

  • Coba untuk berbicara seputar pertanyaan yang sulit dengan spekulasi atau menebak.
  • Selalu usahakan untuk menjawab pertanyaan examiner sebaik mungkin. Biasanya jika peserta tidak bisa melanjutkan untuk menjawab, biasanya penguji akan membantu dengan memberikan pertanyaan seperti: “Can you ask the question in a different way?.
  • Gunakan bentuk dan frasa masa depan untuk mengekspresikan kemungkinan yang terjadi di masa depan.

What Not to Do

  • Jangan ulangi informasi yang sama yang telah kamu jelaskan pada IELTS Speaking part 2.
  • Jangan khawatir jika kamu tidak bisa menjawab dengan mudah karena examiner biasanya memang memberikan pertanyaan yang lebih sulit untuk menemukan batas kemampuan peserta tes dimana peserta tidak bisa berkomunikasi dengan mudah.
  • Jika ditanya tentang masa depan, jangan berlebihan menggunakan kata will karena banyak cara untuk mengungkapkan ekspresi masa depan.

Topik yang Umum Dibahas dalam IELTS Speaking Part 3

Untuk memaksimalkan hasil tes IELTS Speaking part 3 ini, kamu perlu belajar dan latihan agar bisa memberikan opini dengan benar dan detail. Berikut ini beberapa jenis topik yang sering dibahas dalam IELTS Speaking part 3 yang bisa kamu jadikan bahan latihan:

  • Masalah yang berkaitan dengan negara.
  • Laporan keuangan dan cara mencapainya.
  • Kemiskinan dan kelaparan di dunia ketiga.
  • Kejahatan dan hukuman.
  • Mode dan desain.

Sebagai bahan latihan, kamu bisa melatih berbicara tentang salah satu topik di atas menggunakan bahasa Indonesia terlebih dahulu. Kamu bisa berbicara tentang situasi yang mungkin terjadi di masa lalu, apa yang akan dilakukan saat ini dan apa kemungkinan yang terjadi di masa depan. Selanjutnya kamu juga bisa belajar memberikan perbandingan dan membuat opini yang berkaitan dengan topik. Jika sudah lancar, barulah coba latihan menggunakan bahasa Inggris.

Contoh Soal IELTS Speaking Part 3

Pada dasarnya, pertanyaan atau topik yang diajukan oleh examiner dalam sesi ketiga ini masih berkaitan dengan tes IELTS Speaking part 2. Hanya saja, pada sesi ketiga ini tes lebih berfokus pada diskusi dua arah dimana examiner dan peserta akan saling berkomunikasi. Maka dari itu, peserta harus mampu berpikir dan berbicara secara cepat dan aktif dalam bahasa Inggris.

Contoh pertanyaan atau soal IELTS Speaking part 3 antara lain seperti di bawah ini:

  • What do you think about Ir. Soekarno?
  • What is the most memorable think you remember about him?
  • In which way has he become an inspiration to many people?

Selain kelancaran menjawab dan komunikasi, kamu juga harus memastikan berbicara menggunakan grammer dan vocabulary yang tepat. Dalam hal ini, kunci kesukses IELTS Speaking adalah harus rajin berlatih berbicara bahasa Inggris dan menguasai isu yang tengah populer sekarang.

Selain contoh di atas, masih banyak contoh soal IELTS Speaking part 3 lainnya yang biasanya di bahas dalam, antara lain adalah:

  • How do you think we will get news in the future?
  • How do you think the family will change in the future?
  • What impact will the technology have in education in the future?
  • Do you think people will travel more or less in the future?
  • Do you think people’s shopping habits are likely to change in the future?
  • Do you think there will be more environmental problem in the future?
  • Whats are some of the main problems that cities will face in the future?
  • How important is art in our society? Should the government do more to support art and artist?
  • How do you think music industry will change in the future?
  • What kinds of jobs do you think will be in demand in the future?
  • How do you think homes in the future will be decorated and furnished?
  • Are there any traditional festivals in your country that are disappearing?
  • In the future how important will be for a country to be able to grow all the food that it needs?
  • What type of leisure activities may become more popular in the future?
  • What kinds of fashions do you think teenagers will be wearing in the future?
  • What changes do you predict in the public transport over the next few years?

Pertanyaan atau soal IELTS speaking part 3 ini tidak selamanya selalu berkaitan tentang prediksi masa depan, akan tetapi memang kebanyakan membahas hal tersebut. Hal ini bukan tanpa tujuan, karena peserta dituntut untuk bisa berpikir analitis berdasarkan fenomena saat ini.

Namun perlu diingat bahwa penguji atau examiner tidak akan menilai jawaban berdasarkan pendapat kamu. Kamu harus memastikan untuk berbicara dengan lancar, menyusun kalimat dengan tepat, dan menggunakan berbagai kosa kata.

Nah untuk memperbanyak kosa kata kamu, Minol punya beberapa contoh soal IELTS Speaking lainnya yang bisa kamu pelajari. Kali ini bentuk soal IELTS speaking yang akan Minol berikan adalah soal-soal berdasarkan tema. Mari simak sampai habis ya. Check this out!

Contoh Soal IELTS Speaking Part 3

Love, Dating & Marriage

  • If you are 35 years old and unmarried, would you still wait for your true love? Why?
  • Who will pay for the wedding costs? Man, woman or both? Why?
  • What do you think is the best age to get married?
  • Do you think weddings in your country waste a lot of money?
  • At what age do most people in your country get married?
  • Does getting married mean giving up your freedom?
  • Is it okay for a couple to live together before getting married? Why or Why not?
  • Is it better to be single or to be married?
  • Is it OK to marry someone from a different religion?
  • Is it OK for a man to have two wives?
  • Do people change after getting married?
  • What makes a happy marriage?
  • What is the most important ingredient in a happy marriage?
  • What are some advantages of an international marriage?
  • Is it good for children to have parents from two different countries? Why?
  • Do you think that gays should be allowed to marry?


  • How do advertisements attract attention?
  • Do young and old people show the same attitude towards advertisements?
  • Are advertisements a good or bad influence on children?
  • Do advertisements actually influence people to buy things? How?
  • What are the harmful and beneficial effects of advertising?
  • Do you think advertising should be allowed to interrupt TV or radio programs? What are the alternatives?
  • What are the different methods of advertising?
  • What is the most popular way of advertising?
  • Do you think that ads create a desire for more and more material possessions?

Animals & Pets

  • Do you think animals have feelings and rights? (Why?/Why not?)
  • Some people breed animals such as dogs for money. How do you feel about that?
  • Do you think there should be laws to protect the welfare of pets and farm animals? (For example, laws against cruel treatment.) Why?/Why not?
  • Are there any wild animals in your country that are not found in any other country?
  • Are there any animal reserves in your country where wild animals can live with protection?
  • How do people feel about the protection of wild animals?
  • Have you seen any TV programs about animals?
  • What should we do to protect endangered animals?
  • Why do some people refuse to eat animals?
  • What would happen when some species disappear from the earth?
  • Do you think it is right to keep wild animals in captivity all their life?
  • How do you feel about the use of animals for medical research?
  • Is it morally right to spend a lot of money on pets, rather than helping people in need?
  • What can children learn by having a pet?
  • What can people learn from animals?
  • Why do some people not like pets?
  • What are the pros and cons of keeping a pet?
  • Are there laws regarding hunting, in your country?


  • Why do some people choose to do their shopping in a street market rather than the shopping mall?
  • Do you think that discounted goods have good value?
  • How often do people in your country go shopping?
  • What kinds of places are popular for shopping in your country?
  • Do you think online shopping will replace shopping in reality?
  • Have you ever have had a bad shopping experience?
  • What would you do if you bought something disappointing from the internet?
  • How has online shopping become popular these days?
  • Is it necessary for companies to set up customer service?
  • What products or services do people in your country like to complain about?
  • Would you buy anything from a shop about which you have complained about earlier?
  • Do you think customers’ complaints will improve products or services?
  • Are there any disadvantages to set up customer service?


  • Do you think that people obey the law all the time?
  • Do people like being a policeman in your country?
  • What qualities should a police officer have?
  • Why do some people prefer to be a lawyer over being a policeman?


  • For children, from what age do you think it becomes suitable for them to use cellphones?
  • Is it common for children to use cellphones in your country?
  • What do teenagers in your country use cellphones for?
  • What are the advantages/disadvantages of using a cellphone?
  • Why are so many people addicted to social apps?

School Subjects

  • Can computers help us with math?
  • What methods can be applied to make math class more interesting?
  • How do schools teach math in your country?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a calculator?
  • Do you think students should be able to choose the subjects they like?
  • What subject would be added to high school?
  • Which is the most useful subject?
  • Can the students in your country choose their favourite subjects?

City & Countryside

  • What are the advantages of living in the countryside?
  • What are the disadvantages of living in the countryside?
  • What kinds of people live in the countryside?
  • What do people living in the countryside like to do?
  • How has life changed over time in the countryside?
  • Do you think it is better to live in the city or in the countryside?
  • Do you think landmarks make a city more famous, why?
  • What interesting things can we do in big cities?
  • What’s the difference between living in the city and in the countryside?


  • Why do you think that some local singers or musicians aren’t as successful as some from other countries?
  • Do you think the Internet has affected the music industry? In what ways?
  • Do you think there will be further changes in the music industry in the future?
  • Do you think the music young people listen to in your country is becoming more globalized? Why/Why not?


  • Is handwriting still important?
  • Is it possible to improve a student’s handwriting after years?
  • Is being left-handed the cause of the problem?
  • Are handwriting problems more common in boys?
  • What is the future of handwriting?
  • Do you think that handwriting expresses the personality?


  • Do you think the weather has an influence on people’s mood?
  • How do you feel about the climate in recent years?
  • What can we do to stop the greenhouse effect?
  • What are the possible results if the temperature continues going up?
  • What do people usually do in winter?
  • What are the new jobs that comes up in extreme weather ?
  • How do people find it, to work in extremely cold or hot weather?
  • How do extremely cold or hot weathers help people?
  • Do children enjoy extremely cold weather?


  • Is salary important to you? What is the impact of salary on doing work?
  • What kinds of jobs are easy to get in, in a foreign country?
  • Should young adults work abroad?
  • Is it hard to find an interesting job in your country?
  • What kinds of preparation should people do for a job interview?
  • Why do some people keep changing their jobs?
  • What should a good employer do?
  • How would you define ‘an interesting job’?
  • What are the disadvantages of working overtime?

Public Speaking

  • Why do people get nervous when they have to give a speech?
  • How can people improve their public speaking skills?
  • Can you suggest any methods that would help reduce nervousness?
  • Why do most people feel nervous when it comes to public speaking?
  • Is it good for people to visit schools and give a talk to children?
  • What kinds of people should be invited to give a speech?
  • Is listening to speeches important for children?
  • What is required to be a good public speaker?
  • In what occasion would you be a good listener?

Books & Reading

  • What kinds of books do old people like to read?
  • Are you a good storyteller?
  • How do you think people will read in the future?  
  • Do you think that the internet and television will eventually make books obsolete?
  • Do you think that it is more valuable to read a book than to watch television?
  • What kind of books are considered good reads in your opinion?
  • Do you regard famous writers as good role models?
  • Do you think that people read nowadays as they did in the past?
  • How does our reading habit change as we grow up? Why does it happen?
  • If a movie is based on a book, would you prefer to read the book or to watch the film? Why?

Time Management

  • What kinds of books do old people like to read?
  • Are you a good storyteller?
  • How do you think people will read in the future?  
  • Do you think that the internet and television will eventually make books obsolete?
  • Do you think that it is more valuable to read a book than to watch television?
  • What kind of books are considered good reads in your opinion?
  • Do you regard famous writers as good role models?
  • Do you think that people read nowadays as they did in the past?
  • How does our reading habit change as we grow up? Why does it happen?
  • If a movie is based on a book, would you prefer to read the book or to watch the film? Why?


  • Do you think its better for a child to play with their toys alone or with other kids?
  • Why do parents buy lots of toys for their children?
  • What are the differences between today’s toys and olden toys?
  • What factors should you keep in mind while purchasing a toy?
  • Would you allow children to buy toys of their choice?


  • Do you think it’s important to know about other cultures?
  • How can we benefit from learning about other cultures?
  • What do you think is the best way to learn about another culture?
  • Do you think that learning foreign languages can help us understand foreign cultures?
  • What does it mean to be polite in your culture?
  • What is considered rude in your culture?
  • If a group of people came to your country from overseas, what advice would you give them?
  • What is culture shock?
  • What is the best/most important thing your culture/country was adopted from another culture?
  • What are the five most important values of your culture? (For example, Family)
  • What are some things that define a culture? (For example, music, language)


  • Should schools teach both arts and science?
  • What kinds of courses are useful for university students?
  • Why do some students dislike studying at school?
  • What school activities are good for schoolchildren?
  • Are there good colleges in your country?
  • Are college tuitions reasonable in your country?
  • Do many people in your country study abroad?
  • Are women encouraged to pursue education?
  • Do you think teachers are paid enough?
  • Do you think your country should spend more money on schools?
  • Do you think it is easier to learn as a child or as an adult?
  • Does education guarantee a good job?
  • Is it difficult for people without a college education to get good jobs where you live?
  • What are the qualities of a good teacher?
  • What are the qualities of a good student?
  • Does your country provide a good public school system?
  • What improvements does the school system need?


  • Are people more polite with non-family members than they are with their parents?
  • Are people today as polite as people were in the past?
  • Why is it important to show respect to others?
  • How do people show politeness in your country?
  • How do you deal with impolite people?
  • What kinds of behavior are considered impolite?


  • In a typical family, who plays the leading role?
  • In your country, what kinds of family members usually live together?
  • Do young and middle-age people live with old people?
  • Is the nanny and/or the day-care centre the third parent?
  • Where is the best place to raise a family?

Gender Roles

  • Is it possible for women to join the army in your country?
  • Is it compulsory for men to join the army in your country?
  • In your country are the responsibilities of a mother the same as the responsibilities of a father to their families?
  • What are the responsibilities of a father/mother in a family?
  • What behaviours are deemed as appropriate for men but inappropriate for women?
  • What habits are deemed as appropriate for men but inappropriate for women?
  • What jobs are deemed as appropriate for men but inappropriate for women?
  • Are men and women equal in ability and intelligence?
  • Are more doctors female or male in your country?
  • Are more professional musicians female or male in your country?
  • Are more teachers female or male in your country?
  • What things can either men or women do that the other cannot do and why?
  • Is it OK for men to cry?
  • Is it common for women and men to take part in sporting activities?
  • Are there more male or female managers and executives? Why do you think this is?
  • What jobs do men do and women don’t in your country?


  • Do women pay more attention to their health than men?
  • Could governments do more to promote healthier lifestyle options?
  • Do you think most people worry more about their health as they get older?
  • What do old people in your country do to keep fit?
  • What else people can do to keep fit besides sports?
  • Do you think that the tobacco companies should be held reasonably responsible for a person’s addiction to nicotine?
  • Should smoking in restaurants be banned?
  • What are some things people can do to keep healthy?
  • What foods do you think are unhealthy?
  • Do you think traditional medicine is a good alternative to modern medicine?
  • What are the advantages or disadvantages of modern medicine?
  • What are the advantages or disadvantages of traditional medicine?
  • Is it possible to maintain a healthy lifestyle in this modern world?
  • Why do many people try to have a healthy lifestyle?
  • What are the most efficient ways to lose weight?
  • Is physical activity (jogging, going to a gym, swimming pool) an important part of a healthy lifestyle?


  • What are some of the different reasons why people use the Internet?
  • Some people say that different age groups have different tastes on Internet contents. What do you think?
  • What influences can (or, does) the Internet has on children/teenagers?
  • Do you think parents should control what Internet sites their children visit on the Internet?
  • What (kinds of) people don’t use the internet?
  • What are the disadvantages people suffer because they do not use the Internet?
  • Do you think our lives have been improved by the Internet?
  • Do men and women use the internet for different purposes?
  • What is the best thing about the Internet?
  • What problems does the Internet create? What problems does it solve?
  • Do you think governments have the right to censor the Internet?
  • Do you think that it is important for schools to have Internet access? Why?
  • Do you think that the Internet is safe for children? Why?

Sports and Competition

  • What kinds of sports are popular in your country?
  • What else people can do to keep fit besides sports?
  • Do you think young people should play dangerous sports?
  • What do parents do to make their children like sports?
  • Why competition programs are so popular?
  • Whom do you think will take part in the competition?
  • Do people need competitive spirits at work?
  • What are the benefits of playing a sport?
  • Do you think the types of sport that are popular will change in the future?
  • Is there any violence at sporting events in your country?
  • Why are some sports fans so passionate?
  • Should athletes be better role models?
  • Is it important for a country to win lots of medals?
  • How can sports bring people from different countries closer together?

Sports and Competition

  • What kinds of sports are popular in your country?
  • What else people can do to keep fit besides sports?
  • Do you think young people should play dangerous sports?
  • What do parents do to make their children like sports?
  • Why competition programs are so popular?
  • Whom do you think will take part in the competition?
  • Do people need competitive spirits at work?
  • What are the benefits of playing a sport?
  • Do you think the types of sport that are popular will change in the future?
  • Is there any violence at sporting events in your country?
  • Why are some sports fans so passionate?
  • Should athletes be better role models?
  • Is it important for a country to win lots of medals?
  • How can sports bring people from different countries closer together?


  • Why do young people tend to waste money?
  • What kinds of things do people like to buy in your country?
  • How do people become rich?
  • Why do people often want more money, no matter how much they have got?
  • What are some reasons for people being poor? Can poverty be avoided?
  • Why are poor people in many cases more generous than rich people?
  • Do you think that riches can have a bad effect on a person? How?
  • Do you think taxes in your country are too high/low?
  • If you were the ruler of your country, what would you do to change the taxation system?
  • Should parents give a credit card to teenagers?
  • How do you think the government uses all the taxes they collect?
  • Can a person be rich without having a lot of money or possessions? How?


  • Do young people like to watch TV nowadays?
  • What kind of TV programs do young people like?
  • Do you think TV will be replaced by computers?
  • What do you think about TV advertisements?
  • Why do people like watching television?
  • How popular is watching television in your country?
  • What types of programme are generally on television in your country?
  • What effects can watching television have on children?


  • How to become a professional photographer?
  • Do you need a professional photographer for important events?
  • What kinds of devices do people like to use for taking photos these days?
  • Why do some people like to keep photos?
  • Has the way people take photos changed?
  • What are the pros and cons of digital photography?
  • Can pictures be posted on the internet without permission?
  • When does taking pictures become an invasion of privacy?
  • Is it easy to take good photographs?
  • Should people share their photographs online?
  • Is a photograph a reliable form of identification?


  • Should all students pay for their university education?
  • Is higher education too expensive in your country?
  • What advantages do universities bring to society?
  • How should students spend their summer vacations?

Leadership and Politics

  • Can leadership skills be taught?
  • Are some people born to be leaders?
  • What should a leader do to remain popular?
  • Why are elected politicians often so unpopular?

Invention & Creativity 

  • What creative activities did you like to do when you were young?
  • Why do people like to copy others’ ideas these days?
  • What’s the best way to cultivate children’s creativity?
  • Do you think creativity can be learned?
  • Why does art help to nurture creativity?
  • Which invention has transformed your country most?
  • Do you think intellectual property laws are too strict?
  • How long should someone be able to profit from an idea?
  • Should all medicines be free to manufacture?

Famous People/ Celebrities

  • Should actors be paid more?
  • What influences do actors or actresses have on young people?
  • Are there many people in your country who want to work as an actor?
  • Who is more popular, TV stars or movie stars?
  • Are famous people always happy?
  • What makes a person famous?
  • To be famous, do you think a person needs to have some special talent (or ability)?
  • How do people invade the privacy of famous people?
  • What are some general qualities of famous people? Do they have any qualities that are different from ordinary people?
  • Compare how people become celebrities today with how people became celebrities years ago, for example, 30 or 50 years ago.
  • In your opinion, were the standards for judging who is famous before better than they are now?

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