Materi General English

Program General English kami terbagi menjadi 3 level: Starter, Basic, Intermediate, dan Advanced.

Masing-masing level dapat diselesaikan dalam waktu 1 bulan. Namun, kamu juga dapat mengambil durasi 2 minggu saja; belajar separuh materi.

Berikut rincian materi setiap Subject (mata pelajaran) pada masing-masing level.

Starter Level

Subject Materials
Grammar for Speaking
  • To be
  • Subject and Object Pronoun
  • Countable & Uncountable Noun
  • There is/There Are
  • Preposition
  • Possessive Pronoun
  • Subject Verb Agreement
  • Simple Present Tense
  • Simple Past
  • Simple Future
  • Present and Past Continuous
  • Daily Activity and Expression
  • Education and Expression
  • Traveling and Expression
  • Adverb of Time and Expression
  • Let’s Eat and Expression
  • Building & Place and Expression
  • Weather & and Expression
  • Disaster and Expression
  • Verb, Adjective, Noun and Daily Expression
Speaking Practice 1
  • Greeting and Introduction
  • Part of Body
  • Talking About Favorite Things
  • Talking Like and Dislike
  • Number
  • Time and Date
  • Weather
  • Direction
Speaking Practice 2
  • Alphabet and Spelling
  • Conversation
  • Talking About House
  • Seller and Buyer
  • Expressing Feelings
  • Telephone Conversation
  • Tour Guide
  • Unboxing Something
  • Story of My Life
  • Class Conversation
  • How to Do Something
  • Who Owns Something?
  • At the Restaurant
  • Past Experience
  • Story Telling

Basic Level

Subject Materials
  • Listening to Common Conversation
  • Listening by Reading
  • Listen and Imitate
  • Vocabulary
  • Pronunciation
  • Conversation
  • Identifying Parts of Speech in Passage
  • Identifying Phrases in Passage
  • Identifying Tenses in Passage
  • Translate Passage
  • How to Answer Question
  • Personal Identity
  • School/Education
  • Number, Date, Time, Preposition of Time in English
  • Family and Friends
  • Role Model
  • Interest/Hobby (Book, Movie, Tourism, Music, Sport)
  • Festival and Celebration
  • Transportation and Direction
  • Ordering Food
  • Dream Job
  • Wheather and Season
  • Parts of Speech (Noun, Pronoun, Adjective, Adverb, Verb,
    Conjunction, Preposition, Exclamation)
  • Phrases (Noun Phrase, Adjective Phrase, Adverbial Phrase,
    Prepositional Phrase Gerund and To Infinitive Phrase)

Intermediate Level

Subject Materials
  • Listening by Transcribing
  • Listening by Repeating
  • Listening by Understanding
  • Listen to The Directions
  • Listen to The Dialogues
  • Dialogues-Topics
  • Dialogues-Details
  • Dialogues-Selections
  • Dialogues-Reversals
  • Dialogues-Idioms
  • Dialogues-Emotions
  • Dialogues-Suggestions
  • Dialogues-Assumptions
  • Dialogues-Predictions
  • Dialogues-Implications
  • Dialogues-Problems
  • Listening TOEFL Part A
  • Listening IELTS Section 1 & 2
  • Translating Passage
  • Answering Questions
  • Vocabularies
  • Parts of Speech
  • Pronunciation
  • Describing Past and Future Event
  • Describe Plans, Object and Person
  • The Presentation
  • Product Promotion
  • The Tutorial/How to Make Something
  • Talkshow, Drama, News Anchor
  • 5 Tenses ( Simple Present, Simple Past, Simple Future,
    Present Continuous, and Present Perfect)
  • Adjective Clause (Jenis and Pola Peringkasannya)
  • To Infinitive and Gerund (Posisi and Fungsinya)

Advanced Level

Subject Materials
  • Build Sentence, Subject-Verb Agreement, Sentence Types, Connector
  • Formal Letter and Informal Letter
  • Brainstorming and Outlining
  • Introduction to Body 1 and Body 2
  • How to Make Conclusion
  • Vocabularies
  • Parts of Speech
  • Understanding Passage
  • Answer to Questions
  • Complex and Compound Sentence
  • Subject Verb Agreement
  • Synonyms
  • Matching Heading
  • Sentence Completion
  • Scholarship Interview
  • Describing Comparison
  • Making a Survey
  • Opinions and Agreeing-Disagreeing
  • Expressing Importance and Priority, Proposing Solution, and Speculating about Future and Outcomes
  • Job Interview
  • Film and Ted Talk Analysis
  • Linking Phrases
  • Focus Group Discussion and Debate
  • Noun Clause
  • The Difference between AC and NC
  • Adverbial Clause
  • Causative Verb
  • Comparative Degree
  • Inversion
  • Conditional Sentence


Seluruh siswa Titik Nol English Course akan mendapatkan fasilitas berikut:

  • English Area (Area wajib berbahasa Inggris yang diawasi tutor)

  • Modul dan Sertifikat Belajar
  • T-Shirt & Gantungan Kunci Eksklusif

  • Simulasi tes TOEFL & IELTS setiap Sabtu

  • 4x kelas persiapan beasiswa & study abroad (Khusus level Advanced, TOEFL, dan IELTS)

  • 2 Minggu bimbingan tambahan persiapan TOEFL dan IELTS bagi siswa level Scoring yang telah mendaftar tes

  • Study Club Grammar, Structure, dan Speaking di malam hari setiap Senin-Jumat.

  • Cashback Real Test IELTS (Rp 100.000) di cabang IDP manapun

  • Bonus fasilitas tambahan bagi siswa pendaftar Program 2 dan 3 Bulan:

    • Penjemputan GRATIS dari bandara Juanda/stasiun Kediri/terminal Kediri ke Kampung Inggris
    • Free access Video Learning Paket Full (36 video materi, 200+ quiz) selama 1 tahun
  • Selain Program 2 & 3 Bulan, fasilitas Jemput/Antar bagi Siswa berbayar. Info lengkap hubungi admin.


Seluruh siswa Titik Nol English Course dapat mendaftar program tanpa camp atau dengan camp, tergantung jenis camp dan durasi belajar. Rinciannya adalah sebagai berikut:

  • 2 Minggu:

    • Tanpa Camp Rp 1.300.000 Rp 950.000
    • Regular Camp Rp 1.550.000 Rp 1.200.000
    • Exclusive Camp Rp 1.650.000 Rp 1.300.000
    • VIP Camp Rp 1.750.000 Rp 1.400.000
  • 1 Bulan:

    • Tanpa Camp Rp 2.000.000 Rp 1.500.000
    • Regular Camp Rp 2.350.000 Rp 1.850.000
    • Exclusive Camp Rp 2.550.000 Rp 2.050.000
    • VIP Camp Rp 2.750.000 Rp 2.250.000
  • 2 Bulan:

    • Tanpa Camp Rp 3.000.000 Rp 2.700.000
    • Regular Camp Rp 3.700.000 Rp 3.400.000
    • Exclusive Camp Rp 4.100.000 Rp 3.800.000
    • VIP Camp Rp 4.500.000 Rp 4.200.000
  • 3 Bulan:

    • Tanpa Camp Rp 4.500.000 Rp 3.900.000
    • Regular Camp Rp 5.550.000 Rp 4.950.000
    • Exclusive Camp Rp 6.150.000 Rp 5.550.000
    • VIP Camp Rp 6.750.000 Rp 6.150.000

Coba placement test kami agar tidak salah memilih level belajar.

Promo ini akan berakhir dalam:

Cukup DP Rp 250.000 untuk booking tempatmu.