Deskripsi Program TOEFL Prep. & Exclusive TOEFL Online

Subject Materials
  • Overview Question
  • Factual Question
  • Types of Question
  • Supervised Learning
  • Dialogs with Sound Confusion
  • Homonym
  • Idioms
  • Expression of Inference
  • Expression of Agreement
  • Expression of Suggestion
  • Understanding Detailed Information
  • Supervised Learning
  • Parts of Speech
  • Memorizing Vocab
  • Supervised Learning
  • S+V & Conjunction
  • Adjective Clause
  • Noun Phrase
  • There & It
  • Reducing and Omitting
  • Quantity + of
  • Adverbial Clause
  • Abridgement
  • Conjunction
  • Appositive
  • Preposition Phrase
  • Gerund & To Infinitive
  • Inversion
  • Word Order
  • Tenses
  • Parallel Structure
  • Modifiers
  • Parts of Speech
  • Comparison & Conjunction
  • Negative Words
  • Make & Do, Like & Alike
  • Causative Verbs
  • Comparatives & Superlatives
  • Supervised Learning


Tips & Trick mendapat skor TOEFL tinggi (Cocok untuk yang belum pernah kursus/tes TOEFL).

  • Kapasitas Kelas: Maks. 25 siswa per kelas

  • Hanya ada Kelas Malam (18.30-21.40 WIB)
  • Rp 1.750.000 Rp 850.000
  • Durasi Belajar: 6 Minggu
  • Hari Belajar: Senin-Kamis
  • Total Durasi: 72 Jam
  • Live Meeting on Zoom
  • Include: Pre-Test
  • Bonus 4x Kelas Scholarship Mentoring
  • Class Recording

Exclusive TOEFL Prep. ITP

Kelas TOEFL Prep. ITP Online yang lebih intensif dengan kapasitas maksimal: 6 siswa!

  • Kapasitas Kelas: Maks. 6 siswa per kelas

  • Hanya ada Kelas Malam (18.30-21.40 WIB)

  • Rp 3.750.000 Rp 1.850.000

  • Durasi Belajar: 6 Minggu
  • Hari Belajar: Senin-Kamis
  • Total Durasi: 72 Jam
  • Live Meeting on Zoom
  • Include: Pre-Test
  • Bonus 4x Kelas Scholarship Mentoring
  • Class Recording
  • Bonus merchandise: Modul cetak & Kaos Exclusive Titik Nol
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